Magiczny Kraków, pl-pl Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:15:36 +0200 Kraków in the Board of Directors of the League of Historical Cities,285,komunikat,krakow_in_the_board_of_directors_of_the_league_of_historical_cities.html 265785 The 18th Conference of the League of Historical Cities was held in the Korean city of Andong on November 14-16, 2022, with the theme: “Future-Oriented Historical City Based on Community”. Kraków was represented by Katarzyna Piotrowska, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and National Heritage. During the conference, Mayor of Kraków Jacek Majchrowski was elected to the Board of Directors of the League of Historical Cities for the term of 2022-26. ]]> Tue, 11 Apr 2023 08:50:11 +0200 OWHC initiative for Ukrainian Cultural Heritage,245,komunikat,owhc_initiative_for_ukrainian_cultural_heritage.html 258227 As part of the Appeal addressed by the President of the Organization of the World Heritage Cities (OWHC), Mr. Jacek Majchrowski, Mayor of Kraków, and referring to the appeal for support addressed to the international community by the Lviv City Council and the Board for the Protection of the Historic Environment of Lviv, the OWHC General Secretariat is launching the “Organization of World Heritage Cities Initiative for Ukrainian Cultural Heritage” (OWHC-IUCH). ]]> Wed, 23 Mar 2022 15:37:42 +0100 International City Networks – Help or Hassle?,339,komunikat,international_city_networks___help_or_hassle_.html 248843 A session of representatives of the City Directors of International Affairs Network (CDIA) of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) was held on 22 April 2021. ]]> Thu, 13 May 2021 14:44:00 +0200 Krakow’s Mayor voted President of the OWHC,285,komunikat,krakow_s_mayor_voted_president_of_the_owhc.html 230784 With the support of almost 100 cities from around the globe, Krakow was elected to the Board of Directors of the Organization of World Heritage Cities and the Mayor of Krakow became the organization’s President. “Thank you for putting your trust in us in Korea and choosing Krakow to host the 15th Congress of the OWHC. Thank you putting your trust in us yet again when you elected Krakow to become a member of the Board of Directors and thank you for the presidency. It is a double honour which fills us with great pride and joy.” emphasized Mayor of Krakow Jacek Majchrowski. ]]> Mon, 02 Sep 2019 09:39:27 +0200 Polish success in the OWHC,285,komunikat,polish_success_in_the_owhc_.html 231784 Following discussions during 15th World Congress of OWHC in Krakow, in the recent Board of Directors voting Warsaw has been chosen as the new seat of the Regional Secrtariat of OWHC. On the recommendation of the Secretary General the Board of Directors may approve the creation of the new regional secretariat at its next meeting (in the autumn of 2019) and issue a certificate of recognition. Secretariat of the Organization of World Heritage Cities also prepared the statistics and review of the most successful 15th World Congress of OWHC that took place in Krakow from June 2 to June 5, 2019.   ]]> Wed, 18 Mar 2020 13:02:47 +0100 Creations of Edinburgh-Krakow partnership,287,komunikat,creations_of_edinburgh-krakow_partnership.html 221029 Lord Provost of Edinburgh Frank Ross visited Krakow between 11th and 14th June to participate in the XII Annual Meeting of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Rt. Hon. Frank Ross took part in the Mayor’s Forum where creative tools have been discussed to solve the most significant problems related to the city development. ]]> Thu, 20 Sep 2018 10:51:29 +0200 HISTORICAL CITIES 3.0,285,komunikat,historical_cities_3_0_.html 218236 Exchange of experience and good practices implemented in historical cities, solutions for the development of tourism were some of the issues discussed during the first edition of Historical Cites 3.0 conference held on 1-2 March at the ICE Krakow Convention Centre. ]]> Wed, 09 May 2018 08:50:13 +0200 OWHC Board of Directors meeting was held in Krakow,288,komunikat,owhc_board_of_directors_meeting_was_held_in_krakow.html 210653 The Board of Directors of the Organisation of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) convened in Krakow between May 30 and June 2. Andrzej Kulig, Deputy Mayor of Krakow for Social Policy, Culture and City Promotion, welcomed the international visitors on behalf of the city authorities at an event held in the Underground Museum. OWHC meetings were held on May 31 and June 1 at the Krakow City Hall. ]]> Mon, 12 Jun 2017 12:35:36 +0200