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Information on paid parking zone available in English

Miejska Infrastruktura Sp. z o.o. (Municipal Infrastructure Ltd) launched English-language version of its internet website. Now, key information on paid parking zone is available for foreigners.

What you can find at mi.krakow.pl/EN? The most important information on  paid parking zone. Foreign motorists may learn about the location of the paid parking zone. They will also receive thorough information on prices (including higher tariffs), paid parking hours and payment methods.

On the English-language version of the website one may find key information signs, map showing location of paid parking zones, P+R parking options and the Paid Parking Zone Office contact data. All information will be continually updated. 

“This compendium will certainly be very useful for numerous tourists visiting our city as many of them are coming by cars…” says Piotr Kącki, President of Miejska Infrastruktura Sp. z o.o.