górne tło

Kraków open to multiculturalism

The City of Kraków is implementing a cross-cultural program, promoting tolerance and friendliness towards non-Polish citizens.

As of April 2018, on the basis of the Resolution of the City Council of Krakow No. LII/964/16 of September 14, 2016 regarding the adoption of the "Open Kraków" Program, the Information Point for Foreigners operates in Krakow.

All foreigners who are living in Krakow, have access to information and advice about life in the city. Advice is available in the following languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian, and German. The Information Point is run by a non-governmental organization, Fundacja Współpracy Polsko Ukraińskiej "U-Work".
Welcome: Information Point for Forigners in Kraków

"Open Kraków" [Otwarty Kraków] is a program aimed at creating a sense of solidarity, awareness and knowledge of the culture and customs of people of different nationality or ethinicity among the citizens of Kraków.

The program involves the development of mechanisms offering comprehensive services in city administration and public institutions. It will also create conditions for all residents of our city to participate in life the life of both the city and region.

The programme is addressed to: residents, foreigners, national and ethnic minorities, non-governmental organisations and public administration. It is implemented by the Municipal Center for Social Initiatives Support [Biuro Miejski Ośrodek Wspierania Inicjatyw Społecznych].

More information is available at on otwarty.krakow.pl and Facebook.