górne tło

The Green House

The Green House (Placówka „Zielony Domek”), run by the Promyk Foundation and fully financed by the Municipality of Kraków, is a place where parents with children under 3 and those expecting children can receive psychological support without prior registration.

The Centre specializes in: early socialisation of children, supporting gradual separation between child and parent, preparing children for nursery care and helping the parent overcome isolation and loneliness, which can contribute to e.g. post-partum depression in mothers. Its primary task, however, is the prevention and detection of disorders in family relationships. Every day, from Monday to Friday, at least two therapists are available for 4 hours a day to parents/guardians with children under 3 and to those expecting children. Periodically, at times of increased sanitary restrictions, the activities of the Centre were carried out remotely.