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Life Science Open Space 2016

Life Science Open Space Conference will be held on 20th October at ICE Krakow Congress Center. It is 6th edition of the event organized yearly by LifeScience Claster Foundation Krakow. Registration is already opened and participation in the Conference is free.

Life Science Open Space is an open innovation forum devoted to Health and Quality of Life. Life Science Open Space is a collaboration platform for members of scientific, business, political and governmental bodies – professional, fans and adopters of life science technologies in areas such as medicine, pharma, medical technology, nutrition, environment and bioeconomy.

 “Open space” refers to the concept of “open innovation”, promotes collaboration and facilitates efficient exploitation of knowledge, skills and opportunities.

At Life Science Open Space you can meet: partners with whom to jointly pursue innovative concepts and projects, specialists in the area of technology transfer, commercialization and deployment, experts with whom to discuss problems, needs and challenges, early adopters of new solutions, people with ideas.

The conference program includes a number of thematic sessions: Drug discovery, Active and healthy living, Silver economy, Modern diagnostics and therapy, Digital Health, New therapeutic devices and technologies, Innovative Medical Facility, Wholesome food and nutrition, Modern, sustainable farming, Environmental health factors, Bioeconomy, Design.

Detailed information on the official website.

City of Krakow is the partner of this project.