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World Urban Parks - WUP

WUP logo




Level 1 29 Brandon Street,
Wellington 6022,
Nowa Zelandia

e-mail: office@worldurbanparks.org

website: wup.imiscloud.com


World Urban Parks brings together institutions from numerous countries all around the world  offering them council in planning, management and maintenance of urban green spaces of various types. Membership in the organization allows the exchange of experience and best practice between the partners  and the interanimation.

To reach its main goals World Urban Parks organizes conferences and meetings that provide an opportunity to acquire knowledge in the above mentioned areas. WUP also certifies partners` activities verifying their quality. It links organizations on national level, agencies managing parks, NGO’s, universities, R&D centers, business and local communities as well as the sectors of health, tourism and resources management, highlighting, in the most coherent way, the significance of urban green spaces. Among others, cities such as Bordeaux, Mexico, Melbourne, Singapore, Tokyo, Wellington and Washington are the members of World Urban Parks.  

Exchange of experience and knowledge between partners in the organization is an additional advantage. Conferences, technical meetings and other formal activities provide excellent opportunities for this exchange but it is also realized through peer contacts that can result in finding partners for research projects or teams exchange.

Membership in the World Urban Parks is perceived as prestigious. Organization presents annual awards for achieving a higher quality of life in the cities through the development of urban green spaces and parks.

Krakow City Council with resolution NR CV/2727/18 from 4th July 2018 decided on Krakok's membership in the World Urban Parks.

Cooperation Coordinator:

Zarząd Zieleni Miejskiej (Municipal Greenery Authority)

Membership fee:

Składka członkowska wynosi: 187,50 NZD.