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Mayor Aleksander Miszalski takes oath of office

Mayor Aleksander Miszalski took the oath of office during the first session of the newly elected Kraków City Council. Mayor of the City of Kraków was sworn in at a ceremony on 7 May 2024 chaired by the oldest member of the council, Edward Porębski.

Chairman of the Municipal Election Commission Rafał Lisak presented Aleksander Miszalski with a document confirming his election as Mayor of the City of Kraków. He then took the oath of office before the Kraków City Council: "Accepting the office of mayor of the city, I solemnly swear that I will be faithful to the law, and that I will perform the office entrusted to me only for the public good and prosperity of the residents of the city." Mayor Jacek Majchrowski, who has been in office for almost 22 years, handed his successor the mayoral chain and the symbolic key to the city gates.

Priorities and plans of the new mayor of Kraków

Newly elected Mayor Aleksander Miszalski began his speech with thanks - at the beginning he extended thanks to the residents of Kraków for taking part in the elections, their votes and trust, as well as the conversations and comments made during the campaign.

- I am aware of my responsibility, I am aware of the hard work ahead of me. It is truly an honor and privilege to gain your trust. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the councilors - those who are here with us for the first time, but also those who have already served as councilors. Some of you I know very well, some of you I don't, but I hope to get to know quickly, because we have a very important task ahead of us together," he said.

Aleksander Miszalski also thanked outgoing Mayor Jacek Majchrowski, noting how Kraków has changed over his two decades in office. He also thanked all the opposing candidates. Mayor Miszalski also pointed out the role of dialogue with various circles and the role of cooperation among councilors, regardless of party or club affiliation, which will make it possible to implement projects important for the future of the city.

- Kraków expects and needs changes. I spoke about these changes during my campaign. These changes should not be revolutionary, too sudden, too fast. Kraków needs reasonable, thoughtful, calculated, evolutionary change. A change based on agreement, dialogue, and cooperation. Not quarrels and disputes, but factual, honest discussion between residents and political parties. Kraków must be a unity. Kraków must be for everyone - regardless of political views, affiliation to a particular environment, sympathies. This I guarantee you," he said, addressing all political clubs with an invitation to cooperate.

Among the topics the new mayor highlighted were demographics, urbanization, the need for a metropolitan law regulating areas such as air quality, transportation and planning issues. He also mentioned the need for investment in public transportation, the subway, rapid agglomeration light rail and park&ride systems, new roads and bicycle paths. He noted challenges in the context of the environment and climate, concern for greenery, and the need to move towards climate neutrality - activities that are within the competence of the government, and in which local authorities must be involved.

Another priority identified by the new mayor of Kraków is sound urban planning and related issues of building new housing - both in terms of social and commercial construction. He also referred to the issue of cooperation with universities and attracting students to the city. Aleksander Miszalski also drew attention to plans for developing Kraków's economy, creating the right conditions for the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) / SSC (Shared Services Center) industry and local service companies, as well as taking care of innovative industry and sustainable tourism.

The new mayor stressed the need to develop a senior citizen policy, the importance of Kraków's culture and mentioned plans for activities in this area, he also drew attention to challenges in education and sports. He also spoke of the need to ensure security in the context of external threats.

- The way these changes are implemented is very important. Residents will participate as much as possible in these processes. I am in favor of participation at all levels. We will develop a civic budget, neighborhood councils, consultation tools. We will give residents as much of a voice as possible. I'm also in favor of full transparency - that is the kind of office I guarantee, that is the kind of Kraków I guarantee. I would also like everything to be managed very well, so I promise greater professionalization of management in city structures," Aleksander Miszalski declared.

The new mayor also alluded to ways of raising funds for plans and taking care of the city's budget.

- Kraków should not compare itself with Wrocław, Poznań or Gdańsk. I wish we had higher aspirations. Cities such as Milan, Munich, Vienna combine tourism and industry with great transportation systems, a very high quality of life for residents, which is expressed in satisfaction indexes. This is my goal. And I would like that to be our goal. It is an ambitious one, but I think it's realistic. I would like to invite you to cooperate with me and to create the "Kraków of the Future," he appealed at the end.