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A Young Benefactor from Great Britain Visits Kraków

Milan Paul Kumar, a 10-year old old British boy from Bolton, accompanied by his parents, has visited out City. Milan is already recognizable in his native country due to his humanitarian activity and social involvement.

Wizyta Milana Kumara w Meeting Point
Photo Kancelaria Prezydenta

On 22 February, Milan, his Mom and Dad visited the Meeting Point integration centre organized with the support of, among others, the UNICEF and run by the Zustricz Foundation at the ground floor of the building at 12 Rajska Street. There he met with Ukrainian pre-school children attending art classes run by Ukrainian and Polish educators. The boy handed to the kids  loads of stationery products - coloured pencils, markers and coloring books he acquired in a collection organized in his home city prior to his coming to Poland. The young benefactor also donated the gifts to enrich the resources of the neighbouring public library so that they could be used by Polish and Ukrainian children and young people.

Warsztaty dla dzieci w Meeting Point

Milan Kumar has been honoured with Princess Diana Award, the most prestigious accolade young persons aged 9-25 can receive for their social and humanitarian work for local communities. Last year the boy was granted British Citizen Award 2021 for organizing fundraising and goods collections for the children and their families most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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News Publisher: Otwarty na świat EN
Published: 2023-02-22
Last update: 2023-03-27

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