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What is the song in the city’s heart?


When looking through photos of past journeys, dreaming of future ones, we try to recall the sensual experiences we had in particular cities: their smells, tastes, unforgettable views, the kilometres we walked, and the feeling of being tired afterwards. What if we focused on the sounds in those memories?

The first SAR scholarship holder in Poland is in Krakow


At the beginning of December 2020, the Villa Decius Institute for Culture accepted the first SAR scholarship holder in Poland - prof. Candan Badem.

Nina Gabryś becomes mayor’s advisor for equality policy


Nina Gabryś assumed the post of Advisor to the Mayor of Kraków on Equality Policy on 11 January 2021.

Safe travels to Saint Petersburg and Kraków


Saint Petersburg became the first city in Russia joining the international WTTC program for safe tourism - Safe Travels. As part of this initiative key players of city tourism industry receive a special sign Safe Travels SPB, recognizing them as organizations implemented health and hygiene protocols that are aligned with WTTC’s Global Safe Travels Protocols.

Freemuse launches in Kraków its international report on the state of artistic freedom of the LGBTI community


An international report on the freedom of artistic expression of the LGBTI community compiled by the Freemuse organisation was presented in Kraków on 10 December, International Human Rights Day.

International conference on the situation of children with migration experience


The impact of Covid-19-related restrictions on the education of children of migrants and the social situation of refugee and asylum seeking children, problems and challenges related to the integration of migrant children - these are the main topics of the international conference "Local dimension of children's migrations and its impact on EU integration policy", which takes place in Krakow on 4 and 5 December.

We change for you


Have you noticed how our website has recently changed? The new refreshed layout is consistent with the Visual Identification System of our city and contemporary trends in web design. There is also a much more important task to be fulfilled, namely to increase digital accessibility of the website so that it is more useful and functional for people with disabilities.

17th Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mello awarded


The recipients of this year’s winners of the Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mello, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2002–03) were announced at the session of the Award Committee held on 15 October 2020.

There is now a Zbigniew Brzeziński Garden Square in Krakow


During the first post-holiday session of the Krakow City Council, the councilors adopted a resolution giving the name of Zbigniew Brzezinski to the garden square located on ul Pilsudskiego. This form of commemorating the Honorary Citizen of the City of Krakow and counselor to several American presidents, was requested by Senator Bogdan Klich, who together with the Mayor of the City of Krakow, Jacek Majchrowski and Deputy Chairman of the City Council of Krakow, Sławomir Pietrzyk, unveiled a plaque with the name of the square on October 15.




The United States, a melting pot of cultures and traditions of the various countries its citizens came from, is a special partner for Poland, particularly in terms of culture. In many areas and at different levels, mutual Polish-American cooperation is a natural path of development for both countries. The USA remains a country eagerly chosen by Poles going abroad. It is in the United States that, due to the favorable mood of openness and tolerance of others, it is relatively easy for them to find a new home and work for the development of the country, its culture and local communities. The USA is the country with the largest Polish community worldwide, accounting for over 3% of the entire population of the United States.


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