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Krakow joins the #CityWillWait campaign


The "City will wait" - announced Krakow, encouraging tourists to visit the city after travel restrictions are lifted. With the #KrakowWillWait motto our city will promote its attractions and tourist facilities in national and international social media. The aim of the campaign is to maintain the interest in Krakow's tourist offer and passion for travel.

Kraków is among the greenest cities in Europe


Kraków came fifth in the „Green Capital of Europe 2022” contest finals. The finalists were: Tallin, Grenoble, Dijon and Torino. There were 18 European metropolises running for the title.

Krakow supports the creation of a new Marshall Plan for Europe


The Mayor of Krakow Jacek Majchrowski joined the mayors of European cities who signed a declaration of support for the initiative to create a new Marshall Plan for Europe in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, resulting economic difficulties and the climate crisis.

Kraków fights against the coronavirus related crisis


Kraków offers assistance and support to branches threatened by the epidemic in their fight against the coronavirus associated crisis. 

Sing along with Mayor of San Francisco and Tonny Bennett!


The San Francisco-Krakow Sister Cities Association invites to join in a live singalong of I Left My Heart in San Francisco on Saturday, April 25 at 12:00 Noon PDT (9:00 p.m. EST).


Krakow thanked the Polish health care workers


Another week brought further sanitary and epidemiological restrictions in connection with the fight against the spread of coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease caused by it. At this difficult time, which requires self-discipline and mobilisation from everyone, Krakow particularly appreciates the daily work of Polish doctors, nurses and rescuers. On 2 April, between 7.30 p.m. and 11.30 p.m., TAURON Arena Krakow displayed the inscription "Krakow thanks the Polish health care workers".


Krzysztof Penderecki has passed away


The outstanding Polish composer died on Sunday, March 29 at the age of 86.

Krzysztof Penderecki was born on 23 November 1933 in Dębica. He was one of the greatest contemporary composers and conductors. In 2013 he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Royal Capital City of Krakow.


Krakow lights up one last time for the USA, Great Britain and... the Polish health care personnel!


On March 30 key municial buildings were illuminated as a gesture of solidarity with countries particularly affected by the coronavirus epidemic. The LED screen of Krakow Arena displayed the colours of the U.S. flag, the ICE Krakow Congress Centre was illuminated in the colours of the United Kingdom, and the Bernatka footbridge shone in the colours of our Polish national flag.

Vienna in the face of CoViD-19


Like most European cities at this unique time, Vienna is also taking steps to contain the spread of coronavirus. Freedom of movement in public spaces has been severely restricted since 13 April. All residents are urged to stay in their homes and avoid any unnecessary travel.

Krakow lights up in solidarity with Spain, France and Germany


We proceed with the initiative of lighting up urban objects to express solidarity with the countries that are now most gravely hit by the coronavirus crisis.
On March 27, the screen of the Tauron Arena Krakow shone with the colours of the Spanish flag, the ICE Krakow Congress Centre lit up with the German colours and the Father Bernatek`s Footbridge was illuminated in the colours of the French flag.


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