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Visit of Ambassador of Thailand

Visit of the Ambassador of Thailand


Mayor of Kraków, Aleksander Miszalski, discussed opportunities for cooperation between Kraków and Thailand with the Ambassador of Thailand to Poland, Urasa Mongkolnavin. The Ambassador paid her first official visit to the Kraków City Hall on Thursday, February 27.

Pierwsze pół roku Burmistrza Nocnego i jego komisji – działania i plany na przyszłość

The First 6 Months of the Night Mayor and His Commission – Actions and Future Plans


In August 2024, Jacek Jordan took office as Kraków’s first and Poland’s second Night Mayor. At the same time, the Commission for Sustainable Night Economy was established under the Mayor of Kraków. It is composed of representatives of informal residents' groups, NGOs, the tourism industry, business owners, city officials, and municipal units. Acting as an advisory body, the commission presents its proposals to the Mayor in the form of resolutions, with the Night Mayor serving as its chair.

Vice President of the European Parliament visits the Mayor of Kraków

Vice President of the European Parliament visits Kraków Mayor


On 31 January 2025 Vice President of the European Parliament Younous Omarjee visited the Kraków City Hall. During the meeting with Mayor Aleksander Miszalski he raised issues of cohesion policy among other things.

Przywitanie Prezydenta Krakowa Aleksandra Miszalskiego z Królem Karolem III w pomieszczeniach Jewish Community Center w Krakowie Na zdjęciu udokumentowano uścisk dłoni.

King Charles III visits Kraków


On 27 January, King Charles III paid a visit to Kraków meeting representatives of the Jewish Community Centre and Mayor Aleksander Miszalski. His Majesty also found some time to talk local residents.

Po prawej w centrum Prezydent Krakowa Aleksander Miszalski trzymający otrzymany medal pamiątkowy po lewej w centrum oraz Wielki Mistrz Zakonu Maltańskiego z krakowskim upominkiem.

Visit of the Grand Master of the Order of Malta


On 27 January 2025 the Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Fra’ John Timothy Dunlap, paid a visit to the Mayor of Kraków.

Pawilon mobilny prezydencji na placu Wolnica - widok ogólny. Okrągła ażurowa metalowa konstrukcja z zamontowanymi panelami na których znajdują się teksty i zdjęcia. W tle dawny ratusz Kazimierza.

Polish Presidency Exhibition


The Exhibition of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union has been set up in Wolnica Square. It is the joint initiative of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland and the EU institutions.

Kraków Tripadvisor Travellers' Choice Awards

Kraków Recommended by Tripadvisor


The Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards recognize destinations, hotels, restaurants, and attractions appreciated by tourists worldwide. In the 2025 ranking Kraków was the only Polish city to make the list.

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