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Information Point for Foreigners

Please be informed that until a new operator is selected for the Information Point for Foreigners (operating within the Multicultural Centre), information and advice to foreigners will be provided online by the Social Policy and Health Department of the Municipality of Kraków.

Photo Information Point for Foreigners

Therefore, we encourage all foreigners living in Kraków who seek information within the scope of the Information Point for Foreigners to send your enquiries to: or call 887 201 598.

Consultants will be on call from Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. and on Saturday from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Please send any correspondence to the following address:

Information Point for Foreigners
Social Policy and Health Department of the Municipality of Kraków

ul. Jana Dekerta 24 /block B room 12/

The Information Point provides information in the following fields:

1. education

2. health care system

3. culture

4. job market, registration, employment, unemployment benefits and benefits for people in crisis;

5. obtaining a driving licence, PESEL number, registration of births and deaths

6. social welfare and family benefits

7. disability

8. assistance to victims of discrimination or violence

9. housing rental and housing regulations in Poland

10. free and commercial courses for foreigners in Kraków

11. other important life issues.

The centre also provides legal advice upon prior appointment by telephone or e-mail.

The Information Point also provides information in the following fields:

  • formalities regarding legalisation of stay, obtaining the Polish Card [Karta Polaka], citizenship, work permit;
  • organisations operating in Kraków for migrants and national and ethnic minorities.

We provide information in Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English.

At the same time, we would like to remind you that the service of foreigners in terms of legalization of stay is taken care of by:

Małopolska Voivodeship Office in Kraków
Department of Foreigners’ Affairs
Kraków, ul. Przy Rondzie 6

(Service areas for foreigners: ground floor - service room 1, service room 2; 1st floor - rooms 105 - 106)

ul. Przy Rondzie 6
31-547 Kraków
fax 12 39 21 354

The Małopolska Voivodeship Office in Kraków, moreover, within the framework of the project Małopolska Friendly to Foreigners - support in integration and adaptation of third-country nationals, implemented by the Social Policy Department of the Małopolska Voivodeship Office in Kraków, launched Information and Advisory Points for third-country nationals on 22 October 2018 (Kraków, ul. Basztowa 22, Nowy Sącz, ul. Jagiellońska 52).

The Information and Advisory Points provide comprehensive assistance and support to third-country nationals in administrative and legal matters, e.g. legalisation of stay, legal employment, social benefits, employee benefits, as well as administrative matters encountered by third-country nationals in everyday life in Poland. The Points offer assistance in Ukrainian, Russian, English and Polish.

Due to the temporary change in the organisation of direct customer service in the Małopolska Voivodeship Office in Kraków, the employees of the Points are available at the information and advice hotline: tel. 12 426 90 01, 18 540 23 26 and e-mail address:



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News Publisher: Otwarty na świat EN
Published: 2021-02-09
Last update: 2021-02-12

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